
The Power of Now

SEPTEMBER 19, 2023

Many people wait for better times to do what they really like.The sun might be too hot, they don’t feel well, there is not enough money or they cannot leave granny alone. All legit, no doubt. However, one day you might run out of options.

My peers are getting ready for retirement. Often they don’t know what they want to do with their spare time. What has felt like a luxury in their working days all of a sudden becomes a blank canvas staring at them. Others crank out one idea after another to avoid the void. It might feel like it is now or never, looking at the window between a working life and disability as small.

I chose not to be captivated in a nine to five job, which has its ups and downs. Choosing not to wait for the right time to follow my dreams was scary at times. I might not have enough money. Or not knowing where to go next. Over time I also have learned to follow my intuition and be as honest as possible with myself about how a certain situation truly feels. “If finances are not an issue, would you still stay in this situation?”, became a question as a reference for judgement. Most people are held back by money. (Or lack thereof)

When I went to the Netherlands this year to be part of an exhibition, I did not know how I would make ends meet. But as I have seen in the past; I create my most exciting life on the go. Staying at home does not create possibilities and even though I am not certain of the future, I will take bold steps towards it. From the sale of two paintings I was able to spend four months in Europe without lack of money. I enjoyed my time tremendously. I have to say that I have great friends and family members who have been supporting this kind of life style.

Don’t let anything hold you back from the things you really want to experience. Be determined to find a way to make it happen. I would have never thought I would live in a cute little cafe in a village above a lunchroom and eat French fries every day. I didn’t think about going to France to stay in a caravan in the famous district Medoc and drink wine every day. Embrace the unexpected. It works.

Jacobina Oele


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